Tenenesk. Chamán Selk'nam

During the eve of 1923, while the south wind, the óruken hayin, swept the camp of Fagnano Lake, the men sought refuge in the cabin of Tenenesk, a Huash (branch of the Selk´nam) shaman and heard a story recorded by Martin Gusinde.:

«At the beginning, nothing. Only Temáukel, the first of the Howenh. Afterwards, the celestial vaults, the firmament, without the stars. Only some immense emptiness penetrates the silence. A crepuscular light spread across the surface of the earth, shaking the dark stillness." In the darkness of night, around the fire, now reduced to ashes, the old man raises a hand toward the stars and with a trembling voice insists: " So that's how, over earth, the sky spreads: behind it is where Temuáukel lives.»

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